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Tiger news

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Spottersday NTM 2017 UPDATE 6

Spotters in action (photo by David Goovaerts)

Dear Spotters, We with only 1 week to go before the 1st spotters day during NTM 2017, we would like to inform you for the last time! with in this post there are 3 lists with all spotters that have been accepted to attend one or both spotters day's

NATO Tiger Meet 2016, It's over

31 'Tiger' Smaldeel poses (again) with the silver tiger trophy (NTA photo by Ulrich Metternich)

And with the setting of the sun on Thursday evening the 15 national flag's of the participating squadrons , and host nation where lowered again.
This ment that NATO Tiger Meet 2016 was over. 2 weeks of hard work have left a mark on all. with just

Final week of NTM 2016


The first week of NATO Tiger Meet 2016 has flown by, full AB if you will.

The week ended with 2 public events, the Spotters day on Friday which gave 1500+ enthusiastic spotters the chance to take pictures of the Tiger aircraft during take-off

New Full Members

JG74 have been accepted as Full members of the NATO Tiger AssociationWe need to congratulate our Bavarian tigers!
During the DetCo's meeting of Tuesday 17th they where voted FULL Member of The NATO Tiger Association.

Welcome to the club.
Tiger Tiger Tiger

NTM 2016 - The First Day

ECE 1.30 M2000D on The Zaragoza ramp just before sunset during NTM2016 (photo by David Goovaerts)

With the setting sun casting long shadows on the Aircraft ramp, the first day of flying for #NTM16 comes to an end.
With All but 1 squadron (338 Skv from Norway will only arrive on Wednesday) ready to start the training, this will be the biggest

Spotters day NTM 2016

ALA 15 Hornet returning from A NTM2008 Mission (photo by David Goovaerts)

Hello Spotters and Tiger fans,

Our Spanish hosts have provided us with some additional information concerning the Spotters day during NATO Tiger Meet 2016 in BA Zaragoza.
They have created an instruction leaflet, containing some inportent

ATTENTION! NTM 2016 Spotters-day update

ALA 15 EF18+ returning from a mission during NTM2008 (photo by David Goovaerts)


There are a few practical changes concerning the spotters day during NATO Tiger Meet 2016!

  • Registration cutoff is now 24 April.
  • We just found out that the base security force will require all spotters to bring and wear a

Public events during NATO Tiger Meet 2016

ALA 15 EF18+ taking off for a mission during NTM2008 (photo by David Goovaerts)

We have received the first information from the Spanish host for NATO Tiger Meet 2016.
The Spanish Air Force is planning for 2 public events during the NTM'16, at Zaragoza Air Base.

On Friday, 20th May 2016 they intend to host a spotters day.


NATO Tiger Meet 2015 Photo Report

NTM2015 Photo Report cover

We have today started pre-orders for the NATO Tiger Meet 2015 Photo Report
the new book will become available at the end of 2015 in limited numbers!

you can find it in our online-shop.