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Tigger at Ocean Tiger

Tigger at Ocean Tiger Meet

During the NATO Tiger Meet at Landivisiau a very small crew member is spotted flying along with several types of aircraft.

Tigger, the little mascot of the 31 squadron crew chiefs has travelled all over the world. Nevertheless he got home back in

6 Pilots and 2 technicians

6 Pilots and 2 technicians, 1 JTS is the smalest team during NTM2008 (NTA photo by Gert Weckx)

With 6 pilots and only 2 technicians, the Austrian JTTR squadron is the smallest crew attending Ocean Tiger.
The Austrian JTTR squadron has been visiting the NATO Tiger Meet as observers several times in the past years.

Because of their regular

Superb Markings


The host of this years Tiger Meet painted no less than 2 SEM's in superb Tiger markings. However they were not alone!
Most other squadrons also brought superbly marked aircraft to exercise Ocean Tiger. Along them a superbly painted Rafale from EC

Ocean Tiger is GO!

11F Super Etandard in Arctic Tiger Meet Scheme (photo by Benjamin Vinot Prefontaine)

Since most European air bases are closed during the weekend, many Tiger Squadrons already departed to BAN Landivisiau on Friday.

With the Tiger Meet starting on a Sunday many squadrons already had to depart their home bases on Friday. This was to

Tiger Keepers keep them going

Tiger keepers keep them going (NTA photo by David Goovaerts)

Many pilots and aircraft do attend the Tiger Meet each year. However, an even bigger group of crew chiefs, technical specialist and OPS assistants are making sure the pilots can do their job.
Modern day aircraft are full of sophisticated technology

First Tiger Meet mission flown


Monday 23rd of June the first mission of the NATO Tiger Meet was flown in the afternoon. The first take-off was performed by 2 superbly painted SEM's from Flottille 11F.

After the morning briefings explaining the guidelines of exercise Ocean Tiger