Dear Spotters, We with only 1 week to go before the 1st spotters day during NTM 2017, we would like to inform you for the last time! with in this post there are 3 lists with all spotters that have been accepted to attend one or both spotters day's, and that have paid. We also include the legal note that every spotter needs to fill out, sign and bring with him to BAN Landivisiau. In the spotters area there will also be food trucks and drink stands available for those who have not ordered a lunch bag. we will not provide chairs, so if you require a chair, bring a foldable chair with you Registered spotters that have paid, but are not on the lists, are requested to contact the Spottersday team ASAP on their e-mail address: spottersntm17@gmail.com and provide information about their payment transaction. UPDATE: June 3rd
- updated the lists after the first responses: all updates until June 2nd 16h00 have been incorporated
- a list with the group travelers has been added
UPDATE: June 6th
- updated the lists after the first responses: all updates until June 6th 16h00 have been incorporated
- There will be no bus service other than at the beginning and ending of the spottersday If you want to leave between 12:00 and 14:00 please contact somebody on site, so you can be escorted to the main gate (on foot), we have contacted a few taxi companies that will be available for the shuttle to the car park, but you might want to contact them in advance to make sure you have a ride.
- Landi Taxi : +33 6 70 62 56 86
- Taxi Biannic : +33 2 98 68 42 71
- Taxi Madec : +33 2 98 24 99 18
- Taxi Quenet : +33 6 14 56 13 76
The weather is not really friendly at the moment, so don't forget your rain gear, we have also uploaded 2 maps with directions to the parking location.
We thank you all, and hope you will enjoy your stay at BAN Landiviseau.
The NTA and NTM17 Spottersday Team