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Tiger news

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Tiger Meet 2010 - And the winner is...

211 Squadron proud to win the Silver Tiger Trophy during NTM2010 (photo by Ulrich Metternich)

This evening the NTM 2010 at Volkel AB was officially closed. Tomorrow all participants will return to their home base.
At the final ceremony the trophies have been awarded. And the winners are...

  1. SILVER TIGER 2010: 211 Squadron - Czech Republic

NATO Tiger Meet 2010 operations continue


Already progressing into the second week of the NATO Tiger Meet the OPS-tempo is kept very high. Still 1 day and 2 missions to go before we know who takes the Silver Tiger home! The daily COMAO's are flown over large territories and sometimes

NTM 2010 First Missions Flown


On Tuesday, October 5th the NATO Tigers took to the sky for their first NTM’10 missions, the AM missions provided the pilots to get familiar with the training area, and get some smaller scale training. While in the afternoon the first large COMAO

NTM 2010 on the way

211 TL, new full members of the NATO Tiger Association

On Monday October 4th 2010 the NATO Tiger Meet 2010 participants arrived at VOLKEL AB, which hosts the NTM for the first time.

The 2010 Tiger Meet will be unforgettable for at least 1 squadron, 211 squadron from the Czech Republic, during the

First Special Paint for NTM 2010 Flown


The first of hopefully many specially decorated aircraft for NATO Tiger Meet 2010 has taken to the skies, the Czech Air Force, 211 Squadron, has recently flown a newly Tiger decorated JAS-39D Gripen.

Unlike most Units, that decorate the tail, 211

100.000 Hour Milestone


Recently 192nd Squadron of the Turkish Air Force celebrated its 100.000th Flying hour, in attendance of the Turkish Air Force Commander, 192 Filo ‘Kaplan’ accomplished its 100.000th flying hour on April 16, 2010.

To mark the occasion a Turkish

Preparation for NTM 2010 on the way


The planning for NTM 2010 has kicked off today, with the start of the IPC (Initial Planning Conference) at Vlb. Volkel.

It is still some time to go (200+ days) until the start of the 2010 NATO Tiger meet, however an exercise of this kind needs

RAF Tigers On The Move

230Sqn Puma HC.1 during NTM2009 (photo by David Goovaerts)

After 18 years the last RAF 'Tiger' Squadron, 230sqn, relocated to the UK.
In November 2009, 230 Squadron took up residence at RAF Benson, joining 33 Squadron to co-locate the Puma Force for the first time in over 20 years.
The 'Tiger' Squadron has

Operation Academy

Operation Academy flight line

An almost-mini-meet occurred on Thursday, December 3rd, 2009, on the occasion of E.C 01.012 “Cambresis” inaugurating partnership with the French Air Force Academy class of 2009.
Along with 5 Mirages 2000C from Cambrai,

  • 2x F-16 MLU from sister

'Cambresis' wins Silver Tiger Trophy

EC1.12 Wins the Silver Tiger Trophy during NTM2009 (photo by Ulrich Metternich)

The 1/12 squadron from BA 103 Cambrai in France are the winners of the NATO Tiger Meet 2009 Silver tiger trophy.
In a close race with Aüfklarungsgeschwader 51 'Immelmann', who ended 2nd with an equal amount off points,
but the French who scored