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EC1.12 'Cambresis'

EC 1.12 'Cambresis' disbanded

EC 1.12 'Cambresis' Disbandement ceremony

On April 30, 2012, Escadron de Chasse 1/12 'Cambrésis' was disbanded during a ceremony at their base BA 103 Cambrai. EC 1/12 was the last of the  three founding members of the NATO Tiger Association that was still actively participating in the

Operation Academy

Operation Academy flight line

An almost-mini-meet occurred on Thursday, December 3rd, 2009, on the occasion of E.C 01.012 “Cambresis” inaugurating partnership with the French Air Force Academy class of 2009.
Along with 5 Mirages 2000C from Cambrai,

  • 2x F-16 MLU from sister

'Cambresis' wins Silver Tiger Trophy

EC1.12 Wins the Silver Tiger Trophy during NTM2009 (photo by Ulrich Metternich)

The 1/12 squadron from BA 103 Cambrai in France are the winners of the NATO Tiger Meet 2009 Silver tiger trophy.
In a close race with Aüfklarungsgeschwader 51 'Immelmann', who ended 2nd with an equal amount off points,
but the French who scored

Tiger-Lair Cambrai to close in 2012

EC 1.12 Mirage 2000C duriung NTM2008 (photo by David Goovaerts)

French Defence cuts hit the Tiger Community with the announced closure of the home base of one of it’s founding members, BA 103 Cambrai, home of EC 01/012 is to bring to a close all flying activities in 2012.
The French Republic President, Nicolas