French Defence cuts hit the Tiger Community with the announced closure of the home base of one of it’s founding members, BA 103 Cambrai, home of EC 01/012 is to bring to a close all flying activities in 2012.
The French Republic President, Nicolas Sarkozy set on June 17, major strategic guidelines of the defence policy and security of France for years to come. On July 24, Defence Minister and Chief of General Staff of the armed forces announced the restructuring measures taken for the ministry.
These measures include the closure of 8 military airfields in France, and 2 overseas. With the first to close in 2009, and the last in 2012. Cambrai is new officially set for closure with the last group. The closure will lead to a decrease of 15.900 military personnel in 6 years.
The future of the SPA162, the original Tiger, is still uncertain, although there are hopes that this 90 year old prestigious unit will be transferred to a new Esquadron de Chasse when the time comes. Let’s all hope for the best.
Source: French Ministry of Defence