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Tiger news

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NTM 2017 photo book Progress


We are currently in the final process of completing the NATO Tiger Meet 2017 photo report, and hope to go to the printer mid November, and start shipping mid December.
The desiccation making was extremely hard this year as our photographers came

Tiger Flying Bulls featering the Tigers

211 TL Gripen with Flying Bulls2 of our Czech AF 211 Sqn Gripen pilots are also members of the Flying Bulls in their free time.
some more info, and pictures of a combined mission between the Bulls and Tigers can be found on their website

Flying Bylls

Spottersday NTM 2017 UPDATE 5

Spotters in action (photo by David Goovaerts)

To All Spotters,
All e-mails have now been send out requesting your payment.
We would now like to ask you all to complete this payment before May 15th, for us to complete the process.
(and make sure we have your goodies on time)

If you have

Spottersday NTM 2017 UPDATE 4

Spotters in action (photo by David Goovaerts)

Finally Good News!
We have finally received the confirmation from HQ about the spotters registrations.
It looks like all registered spotters have successfully passed the screening procedure.

We have already started to send out confirmation e-mails

Spottersday NTM 2017 UPDATE 3

Spotters in action (photo by David Goovaerts)

To All registered Spotters.

We need to ask you all to remain patient a little longer.
Unfortunately Navy HQ is only releasing the names that are granted access at a very slow rate, and for the moment only French Nationals have received access.

Spottersday NTM 2017 registration UPDATE 2

Spotters in action (photo by David Goovaerts)

Dear Spotter,
We have decided that payments will be operated through Paypal, and we will give you the link later.
Since your pre-registration, we have started the procedure to give you access to the base, and we are gathering the missing

Spottersday NTM 2017 registration UPDATE

Spotters in action (photo by David Goovaerts)

To all pre-reigistered spotters,

We would like to inform you all that the security checks are already under way, once green light is given by the Navy HQ you will be contacted with payment instructions.
Also if problems are detected with your

Spottersday NTM 2017

Spotters in action (photo by David Goovaerts)

During NATO Tiger Meet 2017 the 11F will host 2 spotters days

The first on Thursday the 8th of June, the second on Wednesday the 14th of June.

More info on how to register for these events will be published in the coming weeks.

Tiger Tiger

Photobook NATO Tiger Meet 2016

NTM2016 Photo report

It's Ready

On Friday the 9th of December the 2016 Edition (the 6th in a row) of the NATO Tiger Meet Photo report was delivered by the printer. All pre-ordered books have been packed and where delivered to the post office in Germany on Saturday the